
This is a placeholder page that shows you how to use this template site.

This section is where the user documentation for your project lives - all the information your users need to understand and successfully use your project.

For large documentation sets we recommend adding content under the headings in this section, though if some or all of them don’t apply to your project feel free to remove them or add your own. You can see an example of a smaller Docsy documentation site in the Docsy User Guide, which lives in the Docsy theme repo if you’d like to copy its docs section.

Other content such as marketing material, case studies, and community updates should live in the About and Community pages.

Find out how to use the Docsy theme in the Docsy User Guide. You can learn more about how to organize your documentation (and how we organized this site) in Organizing Your Content.

Application Programming Interfaces



Notes about basic git.


How to use Linux


Web dev

Quick help for HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Bash scripting

Writing bash scripts for Linux.

CSS Styling

Notes about basic CSS styling.

Domain-driven design

How to use Domain-driven design


Notes about basic GitHub.


How to use golang


Building websites with Hugo.


Notes about Inkscape.


Notes about basic Javascript.


Notes about basic Python.


How to write SQL queries. This topic uses MySQL.