Common commands
Command and keyword cheat sheet.
The following table describes common shell commands:
Command | Description |
> | Redirects, creates, or overwrites a file. |
» | Appends to a file. |
& | Executes the program in the background. |
* | Matches any number of characters. |
? | Matches a single character. |
awk | Programming language to parse characters. |
basename file | Displays base filename of file |
cal | Displays a calendar. |
chgrp | Changes the file group. |
chmod | Changes the file modes (permissions). |
cut | Writes out selected characters. |
diff file1 file2 | Compares two files. |
df | Displays filesystem statistics. |
sdiff file1 file2 | Compares two files, side-by-side. |
date | Displays system data and time. |
chown | Changes the file owner. |
egrep | Pattern matching with extended regex. |
file | Prints the file type. |
find | Locates files and directories. |
head | Views the top of the file. |
iostat | Shows input/output status. |
last | Shows login history since the wtmp file was created |
more | Displays the contents of a file, one page at a time. |
netstat | Shows network status. |
passwd | Changes the user password. |
ps | Displays information on currently running processes. |
sar | Reports system activity. |
sed | Programming language for character substitution. |
sleep length | Pauses execution for length number of seconds. |
spell file | Checks spelling on file. |
tail | Views the end of the file. |
tr chars1 chars2 | Translates chars1 into the format specified by chars2 |
wc | Counts number of words, lines, and characters in a file. |
w | Extended who command that also provides uptime output. Displays information about who is on the system. |
who | Displays information about who is on the system. |
whoami | Displays $LOGNAME or $USER env vars. |
who am i | Displays login name, terminal, login date/time, and where logged in. |
vmstat | Shows virtual memory status. |