Linux+ git

Working directory
Where all program files are created, modified, and reviewed.
Staging area
Also called the index, its located on the same system and the working directory. Register files to the staging area with git add.

There is a hidden subdirectory, .git that is created with git init. When you add a file to the staging area, git creates or updates the file information in .git/index. This includes checksums, timestamps, and filenames.

git compresses the file and stores the compressed file as an object (blob) in .git/objects/. If it is a modified file that is already tracked, git stores the modifications as a new object so that there are versions of each iteration.

Local repo
Project tree and commit information (git commit) is stored in .git/objects/. A commit is also called a snapshot.
Remote repo
Same as local repo, but in a different location (cloud, on-site server, etc).

git setup

# view config with CLI
git config --list

# view global config
cat /home/linuxuser/.gitconfig 
	name = linuxuser
	email =

# view local config
cat .git/config 
	repositoryformatversion = 0
	filemode = true
	bare = false
	logallrefupdates = true


# .git contents
ls .git
branches        config       HEAD   index  logs     packed-refs
COMMIT_EDITMSG  description  hooks  info   objects  refs

# view last commit msg 
linux file in git