Implementation details for application programming interfaces (APIs).


You can version your API one of two ways:

  • Prefix all URLs with the version:
  • Use custom Accept and Content-Type headers.

RESTful routing

Routes with identical patterns use different handlers based on the HTTP request method. For example, consider the following route:


A URL that uses interpolated parameters such as :id are called clean URLs. These are clean in comparison to URLs that use query parameters.

Go’s http.ServeMux type does not support clean URLs (use httprouter).

You can use the same route with both a GET and PUT request method. The GET method retrieves a specific movie by id, while the PUT method partially updates a specific movie.

Request methods

The following table briefly describes common REST methods:

GETRetrieve information, does not change state of the application or resource
POSTModifies state, generally to create a new resource. Non-idempotent.
PUTIdempotent, modifies state, generally modifies or replaces existing resource.
PATCHPartial updates, either idempotent or non-idempotent.
DELETEDelete a resource at the specified URL.