
Implementation details for application strategies.

Web applications

Web applications have an application struct that contains the following:

  • loggers
  • models (with db connections)
  • templateCache
  • (optional) form decoder
  • (optional) session manager
├── cmd
│   └── web
│       ├── context.go
│       ├── handlers.go
│       ├── handlers_test.go
│       ├── helpers.go
│       ├── main.go
│       ├── middleware.go
│       ├── middleware_test.go
│       ├── routes.go
│       ├── templates.go
│       └── testutils_test.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
│   ├── assert
│   │   └── assert.go
│   ├── models
│   │   ├── errors.go
│   │   ├── mocks
│   │   │   ├── snippets.go
│   │   │   └── users.go
│   │   ├── snippets.go
│   │   ├── testdata
│   │   │   ├── setup.sql
│   │   │   └── teardown.sql
│   │   ├── testutils_test.go
│   │   ├── users.go
│   │   └── users_test.go
│   └── validator
│       └── validator.go
├── tls
│   ├── cert.pem
│   └── key.pem
└── ui
    ├── html
    │   ├── base.tmpl.html
    │   ├── pages
    │   │   ├── create.tmpl.html
    │   │   ├── home.tmpl.html
    │   │   ├── login.tmpl.html
    │   │   ├── signup.tmpl.html
    │   │   └── view.tmpl.html
    │   └── partials
    │       └── nav.tmpl.html
    └── static
        ├── css
        │   └── main.css
        ├── img
        │   ├── favicon.ico
        │   └── logo.png
        └── js
            └── main.js


Holds executables


Holds executables for the web application:

  • context.go
  • handlers.go
  • helpers.go
  • main.go
  • middleware.go
  • routes.go
  • templates.go









  1. Create your templates, render method, handlers for the templates.
  2. Set up your router.
  3. Add error and info loggers to main, and the application.
  4. Set up serverError helper method that logs the trace to the errorLog and sends an http.Error() message.
  5. Set up clientError helper that validates that form submissions use the correct HTTP verb.
  6. Set up notFound helper to manage client requests for pages that do not exist.
  7. Add middleware logger, security header, and panic recovery. Use to simplify routing. Add them as methods to the application so they can access application dependencies, like loggers.

Service blueprint

Services do not require an application struct to manage user details.

├── cmd
│   └── servicename
│       └── main.go or service.go
├── internal
│   └── httpio
│       ├── handler.go
│       └── httpio.go
├── linkit
│   └── errors.go
└── short
    ├── server.go
    ├── server_test.go
    └── business-logic.go

Template data

Hashing and storing passwords