Web programming basics

HTML <script> tags

The <script> tag includes the JS in the HTML page so the browser can execute it.

  • JS can be inline between the <script> and </script> tags
  • More common to use the src attribute in the <script> tag to specify the URL of a JS file. Still requires the </script> closing tag
    • Separates content and behavior
    • Create a single JS page that can be reused for multiple HTML files
    • JS file is only downloaded once and subsequently can be retreived from the cache
    • src takes an arbitrary URL - you can import JS code that is exported by other web servers
  • JS files use .js extension

type attribute

There are two reasons to use the type attribute:

  • specify the script as a module
  • embed data into the web page without displaying it

Historically, people used type="application/javascript", but that has been deprecated for a long time.


If you are using modules and NOT using a code bundler that combines all modules into a single JS file, you have to load the top-level JS file with the type=module attribute:

<script src="index.js" type="module"></script>

This loads the top-level module, which loads all dependent modules.

async and defer

When the HTML parser encounters a <script> tag, it has to run the script before it continues to make sure it doesn’t output any HTML

  • Called synchronous or blocking script execution
  • This is because when JS first came out, there was no API for manipulating the DOM - JS had to generate content while the document was loading, using the document.write() method to inject text into the HTML doc.
  • document.write() is bad style
  • This slows down page loads

Can include boolean defer or async attributes:

<script defer src="index.js"></script>
<script async src="index.js"></script>

These attributes tell the browser that the HTML document does not use document.write(), so it can continue parsing the HTML doc:

  • defer: Execute the script after the document is fully loaded and parsed and is ready to be manipulated
  • async: Execute the script ASAP, but do not block parsing to download the script
  • If both are present, async takes precedence over defer
  • Scripts run in the order that they are listed in the HTML doc, so async scripts might run out of order
  • Module scripts:
    • run as defer, by default
    • If you add async, the code executes as soon as the module and its dependencies are loaded
  • You can just put the <script> tag at the end of the doc to get the same behavior as defer and async
    • Use these if you have to load scripts in the head


Document Object Model is the API for working with the Document object

  • Document object represents the HTML doc displayed in the browser
  • HTML documents contain nested HTML elements formed in a tree
  • DOM API mirrors tree structure of HTML doc
    • For each HTML element, there is a JS object
    • For each string of text, there is a text object
    • These elements are classes, and they are subclasses of the Node class
    • JS can query and traverse the Nodes with the DOM API
    • Node trees use familial language - parent, child, sibling, descendant, ancestors
  • DOM API can create Element and Text nodes and insert them in relation to other Element objects
  • There is a JS class for each HTML tag type
    • Ex: HTMLBodyElement class, HTMLTableElement class
    • There is an instance of the JS class - called a JS element object - for each occurrence of the HTML tag in the document
    • Each JS element object has properties that correspond to HTML tag attributes
    • Some JS classes define attributes that are not available on the HTML tag

Global object

There is one global object per browser or tab, and all JS code running in the window or tab shares the same global object:

  • JS’s standard library is defined on the global object, and it is the entrypoint for some web APIs, such as document and fetch()
  • In web browsers, the global object is also the window object, which represents the current web browser window
    • Best practice to use window. prefix when calling the global object. Ex: window.innerWidth


Modules: constants, variables, funcs, and classes defined in a module are private and need to be explicitly exported, and then can be imported by another module

Non-modules: All scripts share a namespace and can share vars, funcs, etc.

  • Be careful with naming conflicts
  • var and function declarations create shared global object properties. This means that you can invoke them with window.<function>
  • ES6 let, const, and class do not create properties on the global object, but still be mindful of namespaces

Program execution

A JS program is all JS code in or referenced from a document that shares a global Window object

  • non-module scripts also share a top-level namespace
  • an <iframe> has a different global Window object and Document object, so its a separate program
    • If the container and contained document are on the same server, they can communicate with each other

First phase

Load JS content:

  • Document content is loaded
  • This stage should take less than a second
  • Code in inline and external <script> elements are run in the order they appear in the document, taking into account defer and async attributes.
    • Each script is run from top to bottom
  • Some scripts just define functions and classes for the second phase
    • Ex: Register event handlers or callbacks

Detailed breakdown:

  1. Browser creates a Document object and parses the web page. Adds Element objects and Text nodes as it parses the HTML.
    • document.readyState is loading
  2. HTML parser adds to the document any <script> tags without defer, async, or modules. Can use document.write() to maniupulate the DOM, but these scripts generally just register event handlers
  3. If the HTML parser encounters an async <script> tag, it downloads the script and continues parsing the document. Do not use the document.write() method with this event
  4. document.readyState changes to interactive
  5. defer scripts are executed in the order they are encountered in the document. They have access to the complete document - but do NOT use document.write(). Async scripts might also be executed.
  6. DOMContentLoaded event is fired on the Document object. This begins the transition to phase 2. async scripts might still be executed.
  7. Document is completely loaded, but might be waiting on images or other content. After all content is loaded and async scripts are loaded document.readyState is changed to complete and the browser fires a load event on the Window object.
  8. Completely in second phase, event handlers are invoked asynchronously.

Second phase

Asychronous and event-driven:

  • In response to events, the browser executes event handlers and callbacks that were registed in the first phase
  • This phase lasts as long as the document is displayed in the browser
  • Event examples:
    • mouse clicks, keystrokes
    • network activity
    • document resource loading
    • elapsed time
    • errors in JS code

First events to occur are DOMContentLoaded and ’load’ events:

  • These events are used as a trigger or starting signal for JS actions like registering handlers on the load event.
EventWhen It FiresUse Case
DOMContentLoadedAfter HTML is parsed, before full page loadRun JS that doesn’t depend on images or CSS
loadAfter the entire page (CSS, images, etc.) loadsInitialize app after all resources load
pageshowSimilar to load, also fires on back/forward cacheDetect when page is restored from cache
beforeunloadWhen the user is about to leaveShow warnings or save data
unloadWhen the page is closingClean up resources (e.g., logs, API calls)
visibilitychangeWhen the page is hidden or visiblePause/resume background tasks
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => alert('DOMContentLoaded'));
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => alert('DOMContentLoaded'));

// document doesn't have the `load` event, only window does
window.addEventListener('load', () => alert('DOMContentLoaded'));

Threading model

JS is single-threaded:

  • there are no locks, deadlocks, race conditions
  • no two event handlers can execute at the same time
  • the browser does not respond to user input when scripts and event handlers are executing, so you can’t write code that runs too long

Web worker - a controlled form of concurrency

  • background thread that can perform tasks without freezing the UI
  • can’t access the document, does not share its state with other workers or main thread
  • communicates with the main thread and other workers through asynchronous message events


JS takes the following inputs:

  • Document, which JS accesses with the DOM API
  • User input - mouse clicks, keyboard, text, etc
  • URL of document being displayed, avaialble with document.URL
  • HTTP cookie req header with document.cookie. Cookies are usually server side, but JS can read/write them in browser
  • Global navigator property - gives info about the web browser:
    • navigator.userAgent
    • navigator.language
    • navigator.hardwareConcurrency
  • Global screen property - info about user’s display size
    • screen.width
    • screen.height
  • navigator and screen objects are like env vars

Produces output:

  • In the DOM
  • In the console, but this is for debugging


JS programs don’t crash, they just don’t do what they’re supposed to and then log errors to the console:

  • You can set a few properties on the window object to handle errors. Mostly useful for telemetry
// log errors and unexpected failures

// when a Promise is rejected and there is no .catch() 
window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', function(e) {...})

Web security


  • JS cannot read or write to the filesystem
  • JS cannot access general-purpose networks. JS can only make HTTP reqs and use Websockets

Same-origin policy

A JS script can only read properties of windows and documents that share the same origin:

  • origin - protocol, host, and port of the URL that loaded the document
  • origin of the document that the script is embedded in, not the script itself
    • If Host A serves a web page with a script loaded from Host B, then the script origin is Host A
  • Different web server = different origin
  • Different scheme = different origin
  • Different port on same server = different origin
  • iframes can’t read properties of the page hosting them

Applies to HTTP reqs too:

  • By default, JS can make HTTP reqs to the web server that loaded the document, but cannot make reqs to other web servers unless you use CORS or set the document.domain
    • document.domain: when a site has multiple subdomains (docs.example.com, support.example.com, example.com), the different sites might need to access properties from other subdomains. A script with the docs.example.com origin can set document.domain to example.com to access those files.
    • CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. Lets a server decide which origins they can serve.
      • Adds Origin request header that lists origins they will support
      • Adds Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header

Cross-site scripting

When an attacker injects HTML tags or scripts into your website:

  • If you dynamically generate content based on user input, then you must sanitize it by removing any embedded HTML tags, or you are vulnerable
  • Called ‘cross-site’ because more than one site is involved:
    • The site that injects HTML might get users to click on something
    • Then the site runs code from the malicious site. Then they can ready cookie info or track keystrokes, among other things
  • Prevention options:
    • Remove HTML tags from untrusted data before you create dynamic content
    • Always display untrusted content in an iframe with the sandbox attribute set. This disables scripting and other things