Document geometry and scrolling

Understanding how the browser renders elements on the screen requires you understand a coordinate-based view of the document in the browser.

Document coordinates and viewport coordinates

The x coordinate increases from left to right, and the y increases from top to bottom. But you need to understand whether these coordinates are relative to the document or the viewport:

  • Document: the rendered HTML DOM
  • Viewport: portion of the browser that displays document content. This excludes the brower tabs, menus, toolbars, etc
    • Viewport coordinates are sometimes called “window coordinates”
    • <iframe> element is the viewport

You need to know how to convert document and viewport coordinates with offsets:

  • When the document is smaller than the viewport and there has been no scrolling, the coordinates are equal
  • If the element has a y document coordinate of 100px, then you scroll down 25px, the element has a viewport y coordinate of 75px
  • If element has x coordinate of 200px and then you scroll the viewport to the right horizontally by 200px, it has a document x coordinate of 600px.

JS tends to use the viewport coordinates because the document coordinates do not really work - it is difficult to pinpoint an element with a single set of document coordinates:

  • CSS overflow lets you put too much content in an element
  • Elements can have their own scrollbars, which makes them their own viewport
  • mouse and pointer events use viewport coordinates

CSS gives you positioning elements that use different coordinate systems:

  • position: fixed uses viewport coordinates for top and left
  • position: relative positions the element relative to where it would have been positioned in the normal document flow
  • position: absolute either uses the document for top or left, or it creates its own container coordinate system
    • Ex: You have a relatively positioned container element and then set position: absolute on a child element. The child element is positioned relative to the container element, which creates its own coordinate context

Querying element geometry

Elements are rectangular when they are rendered in the browser.

  • block elements are always rectangular
  • inline elements might take up multiple lines, so they are an array of rectangles
  • getBoundingClientRect() gets the total size of element - border and padding, not margin
    • left to right is the width, top to bottom is the height
  • getClientRects() gets an array of rectangles, if there are more than one

Get element at a point (coordinate)

You can use the elementFromPoint(x, y) function to determine which element is at that viewport coordinate:

let coords = document.elementFromPoint(555, 490);
console.log(coords);    // <button class="btn">Button</button>

// log everything that a mouse hovers over
window.addEventListener('mouseover', (e) => {
    console.log(document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY));



Use scrollTo(x, y) on the Window object to set scrollbar offsets:

  • the browser will scroll here so that the specified point is at the top-left corner of the viewport
  • if you give a point that is outside the viewport, it gets as close as it can
  • x offset: document.documentElement.offsetHeight
  • y offset: window.innerHeight
let docHeight = document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
let viewHeight = window.innerHeight;
window.scrollTo(0, docHeight - viewHeight);


Scrolls to a location that is relative to the current scroll position:

// scroll to the bottom of the page
setInterval(() => { scrollBy(0, 5), 500; });

Smooth scrolling

Pass either scrollTo() or scrollBy() an object to make sure it scrolls smoothly:

let docHeight = document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
let viewHeight = window.innerHeight;

// scrollTo
    left: 0,
    top: docHeight - viewHeight,
    behavior: "smooth"

// scrollBy
    left: 0,
    top: 200,
    behavior: "smooth"


Element method that will scroll until the element is in view:

  • by default, aligns the top of the element with the viewport
  • pass false to align the bottom edge of the element with the viewport
  • pass object for more control:
    • block determines vertical positioning
    • inline determines horizontal positioning
    • both accept start, end, nearest, center
    behavior: "smooth",
    block: "center",
    inline: "nearest"

Viewport size, content size, scroll position

Browser window size

Figure out the size of the viewport, the size of the content, and the scroll offsets:

  • viewport size: window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight
    • HTML headers have a viewport tag in the head to indicate the desired viewport width
  • document size: document.documentElement. Use one of the following to get width and height:
    • document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect()
    • document.documentElement.offsetWidth and document.documentElement.offsetHeight
  • scroll offsets (read-only): window.scrollX and window.scrollY
    • read-only, so use window.scrollTo() to scroll the document
// viewport size
wh = window.innerHeight;
ww = window.innerWidth;

// document size
docH = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().height;
docW = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().width;

dH = document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
dW = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;

// scroll offsets
wX = window.scrollX;
wY = window.scrollY;

Element sizes

Element sizing is complicated. Every element has the properties listed below.

Offset properties:

  • offsetWidth: on-screen size in pixels
  • offsetHeight: on-screen size in pixels
  • offsetLeft: x coordinate, relative to parent for positioned els
  • offsetTop: y coordinate, relative to parent for positioned els
  • offsetParent: element that these properties are relative to

Client properties - all are read-only:

  • clientWidth: on-screen size in pixels, only content area and padding
  • clientHeight: on-screen size in pixels, only content area and padding
  • clientLeft: not helpful - horizontal distance between outside of el padding and its border
  • clientTop: not helpful - vertical distance between outside of el padding and its border

Scroll properties:

  • scrollWidth: el’s content area + padding and overflowing content. When no overflow, this is equal to clientWidth
  • scrollHeight: el’s content area + padding and overflowing content. When no overflow, this is equal to clientHeight
  • scrollLeft: writeable. Scroll offset of element content within the element’s viewport.
  • scrollTop: writeable. Scroll offset of element content within the element’s viewport.