Location, navigation, and history
The Location object is represented by the location
property on the Window and Document object, and it represents the current URL of the document displayed in the window:
is the same asdocument.location
is the URL string- provides an API for loading new documents in the window
property andtoString()
method return the URLhash
returns the fragment identifiersearch
returns the part of the URL that starts with a?
- the query string
objects have a searchParams
property that is a parsed representation of the search
- Location object does not have the
property - you need to make a URL object out of the location object and then you can parse the query parameters:
let url = new URL(window.location); // URL object
let query = url.searchParams.get("q"); // test
Loading new documents
You can change the document that the browser loads by assigning window.location
a new URL string or fragment:
window.location = 'http://www.google.com';
- absolutewindow.location = 'headings.html';
- relativelocation = '#section1';
- fragmentreplace()
method takes a string URL and loads a new page, and then also replaces the calling document in the browser’s history.- Use case: if the user’s browser doesn’ not support features on your JS page, you can use
to replace it with a static version.
- Use case: if the user’s browser doesn’ not support features on your JS page, you can use
method makes the document reload
Browsing history
The History object represents the history for the window:
- comes from early days of the web when everything happened on the server
- modern web pages load content dynamically, so they are not always loading pages from the server
- these applications manage history - really viewing previous app states - with hashchange events or
- browsing history is a list of documents and document states
- length is stored in
property - scripts are not allowed access to history URLs, for security
- history object methods:
: go to previous page in historyforward()
: go to previous page in historygo()
: takes a positive or negative integer to jump that many pages forward or backward
- child window elements like
navigate forwards or backwards with the main window
history.go(-3) // press back button 3x
history.go(0) // reload current page
hashchange Events
hashchange events use the location.hash
takes an arbitrary fragment identifier - just don’t pick a name of an existing element ID so there is no chance it will scroll to the fragment- create a unique fragment identifier to for each state of your application to let the user use browsing history
- setting the property updates the URL and adds an entry into the browser history
- when you set the fragment explicitly or when it changes, a ‘hashchange’ event is fired on the Window object to notify you that the user is using browsing history
- This method is hacky
- Define a fragment - encode the state information that your app needs to render the page into a short string of text
- Write a function that convers page state into a string
- Write a functino that parses the string to re-create the page state it represents
- Write
orwindow.addEventListener('hashchange', ()=>{})
that reads the fragment inlocation.hash
and converts that string into a representation of that state - When the user initiates a new state, don’t render it directly - encode the state as a string and set
to that string. This triggers the hashchange event and the handler will display the new state
uses a ‘popstate’ event to track history:
adds an object that represents the state to the browser history
when the user clicks forward or back, it fires a ‘popstate’ event with a copy of the saved state object and the app recreates the state
Also saves a URL for each state, which means users can bookmark states
Object arguments:
- First arg: the object - supports Map, Set, Date, and typed arrays with ArrayBuffers - it is serialized with the structured clone algorithm, which is more robust than
- The event object for the
event has astate
property that contains a copy of the object that you pass
- The event object for the
- Second arg: string that was supposed to be title for state, but its not generally supported, so pass empty string
- Third arg: optional, a URL displayed in location bar immediately and if the user returns to this state with browser back or forward button
- users can bookmark, but you have to restore the state by parsing the URL
Takes same args as pushState()
but replaces current history state instead of adding a new state to the browser history:
- when you load an app that uses
, you should callreplaceState()
at the start to define the initial app state
Example program
This is a number guessing program that demonstrates pushState()
and replaceState()
class GameState {
// factory function
static newGame() {
let s = new GameState();
s.secret = s.randomInt(0, 100); // 0 < n < 100
s.low = 0; // guesses must be greater than this
s.high = 100; // guesses must be lower than this
s.numGuesses = 0; // num of guesses already made
s.guess = null; // what the last guess was
return s;
// recreate GameState object based on plain object that we get from
// popstate event
static fromStateObject(stateObject) {
let s = new GameState();
for (let key of Object.keys(stateObject)) {
s[key] = stateObject[key];
return s;
// encode the state of any game as a URL.
toURL() {
let url = new URL(window.location);
url.searchParams.set("l", this.low);
url.searchParams.set("h", this.high);
url.searchParams.set("n", this.numGuesses);
url.searchParams.set("g", this.guess);
return url.href;
// factory func that creates a new GameState obj and initializes it
// with a URL. returns null if there are errors in the parameters
static fromURL(url) {
let s = new GameState();
let params = new URL(url).searchParams;
s.low = parseInt(params.get('l'));
s.high = parseInt(params.get('h'));
s.numGuesses = parseInt(params.get('n'));
s.guess = parseInt(params.get('g'));
// return null if URL is missing params
if (isNaN(s.low) || isNaN(s.high) ||
isNaN(s.numGuesses) || isNaN(s.guess)) {
return null;
// pick new secret number when you restore the game from URL
s.secret = s.randomInt(s.low, s.high);
return s;
// return integer n, min < n < max
randomInt(min, max) {
return min + Math.ceil(Math.random() * (max - min - 1));
// modify the document to display current state of the game
render() {
let heading = document.querySelector('#heading');
let range = document.querySelector('#range');
let input = document.querySelector('#input');
let playagain = document.querySelector('#playagain');
// update the document heading and title
heading.textContent = document.title = `I'm thinking of a number between ${this.low} and ${this.high}.`;
// update the visual range of numbers
range.style.marginLeft = `${this.low}%`;
range.style.width = `${this.high - this.low}%`;
// make sure the input field is empty and focused
input.value = "";
// display feedback based on user's last guess
if (this.guess === null) {
input.placeholder = 'Type your guess and hit Enter';
} else if (this.guess < this.secret) {
input.placehoder = `${this.guess} is too low. Guess again.`;
} else if (this.guess > this.secret) {
input.placehoder = `${this.guess} is too high. Guess again.`;
} else {
input.placeholder = document.title = `${this.guess} is correct!`;
heading.textContent = `You win in ${this.numGuesses} guesses!`;
playagain.hidden = false;
// Update the state of the game based on what the user guessed.
updateForGuess(guess) {
// If it is a number and is in the right range
if ((guess > this.low) && (guess < this.high)) {
// update state obj based on guess
if (guess < this.secret) this.low = guess;
else if (guess > this.secret) this.high = guess;
this.guess = guess;
return true;
} else {
// invalid guess: notify user but don't update state
alert(`Please enter a number greater than ${this.low} and less than ${this.high}`);
return false;
// Initialize, update, save, and render the state obj when appropriate
// either load existig game from URL or start new game
let gamestate = GameState.fromURL(window.location) || GameState.newGame();
// save initial state with replaceState
history.replaceState(gamestate, gamestate.toURL());
// display initial state
// after user guess, update state then save new state to browser history
// and render new state
document.querySelector('#input').onchange = (event) => {
if (gamestate.updateForGuess(parseInt(event.target.value))) {
history.pushState(gamestate, "", gamestate.toURL());
// if users goes back or forward in history, you get popstate event
// on window obj w a copy of the state obj saved in pushState.
// When this happens, render the new state
window.onpopstate = event => {
gamestate = GameState.fromStateObject(event.state);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script defer src="pushState.js"></script>
<title>Location and history</title>
body {
height: 250px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-evenly;
#heading {
font: bold 36px sans-serif;
margin: 0;
#container {
border: solid black 1px;
height: 1em;
width: 80%;
#range {
background-color: green;
margin-left: 0%;
height: 1em;
width: 100%;
#input {
display: block;
font-size: 24px;
width: 60%;
padding: 5px;
#playagain {
font-size: 24px;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 5px;
<h1 id="heading">I'm thinking of a number...</h1>
<!-- visual representatino of the numbers that are not yet ruled out -->
<div class="container">
<div id="range"></div>
<!-- where user enters guess -->
<input type="text" name="name" id="input">
<!-- button that reloads with no search string. Hidden until game ends -->
<button id="playagain" hidden onclick="location.search='';">Play Again</button>