Objects and Classes

Objects and Classes.


Objects have properties that are assigned values.

// Update object properties with dot notation
> person
{ name: 'Steve', age: 40 }
> person.age = 41

> person
{ name: 'Steve', age: 41 }

// Accessing arrays in objects
let company.activities[1]

// Accessing objects in arrays
let streetName = addresses[0].street

// Accessing objects in arrays in objects
  company = { 
            companyName: "Healthy Candy",
            activities: [ 
                "food manufacturing", 
                "improving kids' health", 
                "manufacturing toys"],
            address: [{
                street: "2nd street",
                number: "123",
                zipcode: "33116",
                city: "Miami",
                state: "Florida"
                street: "1st West avenue",
                number: "5",
                zipcode: "75001",
                city: "Addison",
                state: "Texas"
            yearOfEstablishment: 2021 

let streetName = company.address[1].street // 1st West avenue

Convert object to array

let car = {
  model: "Golf",
  make: "Volkswagen",
  year: 1999,
  color: "black",

// convert object keys to array
> let keys = Object.keys(car)
> keys
[ 'model', 'make', 'year', 'color' ]

// convert object values to array
> let values = Object.values(car)
> values
[ 'Golf', 'Volkswagen', 1999, 'black' ]

// convert object keys/values to array
> let keyVals = Object.entries(car)
> keyVals
  [ 'model', 'Golf' ],
  [ 'make', 'Volkswagen' ],
  [ 'year', 1999 ],
  [ 'color', 'black' ]

for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(car)) {
    console.log(key, ":", val)
// Output:

// model : Golf
// make : Volkswagen
// year : 1999
// color : black


Classes are blueprints for objects. It includes properties (attributes) and methods that model behavior. To make a property private, place a # before it. Here is an example class:

class Person {
  constructor(firstname, lastname) {
    this.#firstname = firstname;
    this.#lastname = lastname;
  get firstname() {
    return this.#firstname;
  set firstname(firstname) { 
        this.#firstname = firstname; 
      } else {
        this.#firstname = "M" + firstname; 
  get lastname() {
    return this.#lastname;
  set lastname(lastname) {
    this.#lastname = lastname;


When you inherit from a class to create a subclass, you use the extends keywor, and the super function in the constructor. The super function calls the parent class’s constructor and methods. You do not need to explicitly set parent class attributes in a subclass’s constructor, or define methods from the parent class that you do not want to override:

class Motorcycle extends Vehicle {
  constructor(color, currentSpeed, maxSpeed, fuel) {
    super(color, currentSpeed, maxSpeed);
    this.fuel = fuel;
  doWheelie() {
    console.log("Driving on one wheel!");

Prototypes TODO

Built-in methods

You can chain any method that returns a result:

let s = "Hello";
  s.concat(" there!")
  .replace("THERE", "you")
  .concat(" You're amazing!")