Web apps can store data locally on the user’s browser - called client-side storage:
- Like browser memory
- segregated by origin - data from one site can’t read data stored from another
- Web apps can choose the lifetime of the data: temporarily until the browser exits, or permanently so it is avaiable much later
- All client-side storage is unencrypted
Forms of client-side storage:
- Web Storage:
objects that map string keys to string values - Cookies: Old mechanism for storing small amounts of data. Cookies are always transmitted to the server with every HTTP request
- IndexedDB: asynchronous API to an object database that supports indexing
localStorage and sessionStorage
and sessionStorage
are properties of the Window object, and they are Storage objects:
- Storage object property values must be strings
- Properties of a Storage object persis between page reloads
- You create an arbitrary property name during assignment
localStorage.myPropertyName = 'This is anything';
console.log(Object.keys(localStorage)); // is iterable
Because it only stores strings, you have to encode and decode the data yourself:
// storing strings
let x = 10;
console.log(typeof (x)); // number
localStorage.x = x;
console.log(typeof (localStorage.x)); // string
let y = parseInt(localStorage.x); // convert back to number
// storing dates
localStorage.rightNow = new Date().toUTCString();
let oldDate = localStorage.rightNow;
console.log(typeof (oldDate)); // string
let parsedDate = new Date(Date.parse(oldDate));
console.log(typeof (parsedDate)); // object (Date object)
let jsonObj = {
key: "value",
boolish: true,
test: "tester",
age: 41
localStorage.json = JSON.stringify(jsonObj);
let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.json);
console.log(localStorage.json); // string
console.log(data); // JSON obj
Properties and methods
Property | Description |
length | Returns the number of key-value pairs stored in the storage object. |
setItem(key, value) | Stores a key-value pair in the storage object. If the key already exists, it updates the value. |
getItem(key) | Retrieves the value associated with the specified key. Returns null if the key does not exist. |
removeItem(key) | Deletes the specified key and its associated value from storage. |
clear() | Removes all key-value pairs from storage. |
key(index) | Returns the key at the specified index within the storage object. Returns null if the index is out of bounds. |
Lifetime and scope
is permanent and is not deleted until the user’s device deletes it or it is deleted through the API:
- scoped to document origin, which means that all scripts with the same origin share one
object- they can read and overwrite the data
- scoped by browser - Chrome and Firefox do not share
lives as long as the window or browser tab is open:
- if the tab is restored, then the
is restored too - scoped to the document origin, just like
- also scoped per window - if you have 2 tabs open, each tab has its own
that cannot read or write to each other
Storage events
When localStorage
changes, the browser fires a ‘storage’ event on all Window objects except the Window object that made the change
- If tab A makes a change to
, then tab B will receive a ‘storage’ event - register a handler for a storage event with
orwindow.addEventListener('storage', func(){...}))
- a sort of broadcast mechanism that alerts all windows of a user preference or change
- ‘storage’ event listener is useful if the user changes to dark mode - the other tabs with the app open can change too
Event properties for a storage event:
Property | Description |
key | The key in localStorage that was changed. Returns null if .clear() was called. |
oldValue | The previous value of the key before the change. Returns null if the key was newly added. |
newValue | The new value assigned to the key. Returns null if the key was removed. |
url | The URL of the document where the storage change happened. |
storageArea | The Storage object (localStorage or sessionStorage ) where the change occurred. |
Small amount of named data stored by the browser and associated with a page or website:
- client-side is
object on the Document object - designed for server-side programming
- extension of HTTP protocol
- avaialble to both the browser and server, so server-side scripts can read and write cookie data to use in the browser
- specify the lifetime and scope of a cookie with attributes (specially formatted strings) on the
Set cookies by setting cookie
property of the document:
- list of name/value pairs delimited by semi-colon and space
method breaks it into pairs- After you extract the cookie, you have to decode the cookie
document.cookie = 'name=value'; // set a cookie
// func to get cookies
document.cookie = 'sessionId=123456789';
document.cookie = 'username=ricky';
let getCookies = () => {
let cookies = new Map();
let all = document.cookie;
let list = all.split("; ");
for (let cookie of list) {
if (!cookie.includes("=")) continue;
let p = cookie.indexOf('=');
let name = cookie.substring(0, p);
let value = cookie.substring(p + 1);
value = decodeURIComponent(value);
cookies.set(name, value);
return cookies;
Lifetime and scope
Cookies are transient - they persist for the life of the browser session and disappear when the user exits the window:
attribute lets browser to know how long to store cookies- browser stores cookies in a file and deleted when they expire
attributes configure the scope- scoped by origin and document path
- cookies are available in any directory or subdirectory that it exists in:
can view the same cookies, butfirst/second/
cannot - You usually want this default visibility
- Set
with a web server URL to share cookies across a website - Ex: Set to
to make it avaialble to any page in the domain - Set the
attribute to make cookies across the entire domain, including subdomains. - Ex: Set to
to make cookies available
, etc
attribute totrue
to send cookies via HTTPS only
Limitations on browser storage:
- 300 cookies in total
- 20 cookies per web server
- 4KB per cookie
Storing cookies
To associate a cookie with the document, just set the cookie
property on the Document object:
- use
to encode because cannot include semicolons, commas, or whitespace- decode with
- decode with
- to set an attribute, append
; attribute=value
- to set
, just appened;secure
- change lifetime of a cookie by reseting
- to delete a cookie, set
document.cookie = 'test=value'
// create a cookie function
let setCookie = (name, value, daysToLive) => {
let cookie = `${name}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;
if (daysToLive !== null) {
cookie += `; max-age=${daysToLive * 60 * 60 * 24}`;
document.cookie = cookie;
// delete a cookie
let deleteCookie = (name) => {
document.cookie = `${name}=""; max-age=0`;
Property | Description |
document.cookie | Gets or sets cookies associated with the current document. Returns all cookies as a single string. |
Attribute | Description |
expires | Sets the expiration date of the cookie (UTC format). If not set, the cookie is a session cookie. |
max-age | Specifies the lifetime of the cookie in seconds. |
path | Defines the URL path for which the cookie is valid. Defaults to the current page’s path. |
domain | Specifies the domain the cookie belongs to. Defaults to the current domain. |
secure | Restricts the cookie to HTTPS connections only. |
HttpOnly | Prevents client-side JavaScript from accessing the cookie. Only sent to the server. |
SameSite | Controls whether cookies are sent with cross-site requests (Strict , Lax , None ). |
A database built into the browser that is usually too much for standard apps:
- intended for offline apps
- often combined with ServiceWorkers and other technologies