
Web apps can store data locally on the user’s browser - called client-side storage:

  • Like browser memory
  • segregated by origin - data from one site can’t read data stored from another
  • Web apps can choose the lifetime of the data: temporarily until the browser exits, or permanently so it is avaiable much later
  • All client-side storage is unencrypted

Forms of client-side storage:

  • Web Storage: localStorage and sessionStorage objects that map string keys to string values
  • Cookies: Old mechanism for storing small amounts of data. Cookies are always transmitted to the server with every HTTP request
  • IndexedDB: asynchronous API to an object database that supports indexing

localStorage and sessionStorage

localStorage and sessionStorage are properties of the Window object, and they are Storage objects:

  • Storage object property values must be strings
  • Properties of a Storage object persis between page reloads
  • You create an arbitrary property name during assignment
localStorage.myPropertyName = 'This is anything';
console.log(Object.keys(localStorage));             // is iterable

Because it only stores strings, you have to encode and decode the data yourself:

// storing strings
let x = 10;
console.log(typeof (x));                // number
localStorage.x = x; 
console.log(typeof (localStorage.x));   // string

let y = parseInt(localStorage.x);       // convert back to number

// storing dates
localStorage.rightNow = new Date().toUTCString();
let oldDate = localStorage.rightNow; 
console.log(typeof (oldDate));                      // string
let parsedDate = new Date(Date.parse(oldDate));
console.log(typeof (parsedDate));                   // object (Date object)

let jsonObj = {
    key: "value",
    boolish: true,
    test: "tester",
    age: 41

localStorage.json = JSON.stringify(jsonObj);
let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.json);

console.log(localStorage.json);                 // string
console.log(data);                              // JSON obj

Properties and methods

lengthReturns the number of key-value pairs stored in the storage object.
setItem(key, value)Stores a key-value pair in the storage object. If the key already exists, it updates the value.
getItem(key)Retrieves the value associated with the specified key. Returns null if the key does not exist.
removeItem(key)Deletes the specified key and its associated value from storage.
clear()Removes all key-value pairs from storage.
key(index)Returns the key at the specified index within the storage object. Returns null if the index is out of bounds.

Lifetime and scope

localStorage is permanent and is not deleted until the user’s device deletes it or it is deleted through the API:

  • scoped to document origin, which means that all scripts with the same origin share one localStorage object
    • they can read and overwrite the data
  • scoped by browser - Chrome and Firefox do not share localStorage data

sessionStorage lives as long as the window or browser tab is open:

  • if the tab is restored, then the sessionStorage is restored too
  • scoped to the document origin, just like localStorage
  • also scoped per window - if you have 2 tabs open, each tab has its own sessionStorage that cannot read or write to each other

Storage events

When localStorage changes, the browser fires a ‘storage’ event on all Window objects except the Window object that made the change

  • If tab A makes a change to localStorage, then tab B will receive a ‘storage’ event
  • register a handler for a storage event with window.onstorage or window.addEventListener('storage', func(){...}))
  • a sort of broadcast mechanism that alerts all windows of a user preference or change
  • ‘storage’ event listener is useful if the user changes to dark mode - the other tabs with the app open can change too

Event properties for a storage event:

keyThe key in localStorage that was changed. Returns null if .clear() was called.
oldValueThe previous value of the key before the change. Returns null if the key was newly added.
newValueThe new value assigned to the key. Returns null if the key was removed.
urlThe URL of the document where the storage change happened.
storageAreaThe Storage object (localStorage or sessionStorage) where the change occurred.


Small amount of named data stored by the browser and associated with a page or website:

  • client-side is cookie object on the Document object
  • designed for server-side programming
  • extension of HTTP protocol
  • avaialble to both the browser and server, so server-side scripts can read and write cookie data to use in the browser
  • specify the lifetime and scope of a cookie with attributes (specially formatted strings) on the

Set cookies by setting cookie property of the document:

  • list of name/value pairs delimited by semi-colon and space
  • split() method breaks it into pairs
  • After you extract the cookie, you have to decode the cookie
document.cookie = 'name=value';         // set a cookie

// func to get cookies
document.cookie = 'sessionId=123456789';
document.cookie = 'username=ricky';

let getCookies = () => {
    let cookies = new Map();
    let all = document.cookie;
    let list = all.split("; ");
    for (let cookie of list) {
        if (!cookie.includes("=")) continue;
        let p = cookie.indexOf('=');
        let name = cookie.substring(0, p);
        let value = cookie.substring(p + 1);
        value = decodeURIComponent(value);
        cookies.set(name, value);
    return cookies;


Lifetime and scope

Cookies are transient - they persist for the life of the browser session and disappear when the user exits the window:

  • max-age attribute lets browser to know how long to store cookies
    • browser stores cookies in a file and deleted when they expire
  • path and domain attributes configure the scope
    • scoped by origin and document path
    • cookies are available in any directory or subdirectory that it exists in: /first/second/cookies and /first/second/cookies/subdir can view the same cookies, but first/second/ cannot
    • You usually want this default visibility
    • Set path with a web server URL to share cookies across a website
    • Ex: Set to / to make it avaialble to any page in the domain
    • Set the domain attribute to make cookies across the entire domain, including subdomains.
    • Ex: Set to to make cookies available across,, etc
  • secure attribute to true to send cookies via HTTPS only

Limitations on browser storage:

  • 300 cookies in total
  • 20 cookies per web server
  • 4KB per cookie

Storing cookies

To associate a cookie with the document, just set the cookie property on the Document object:

  • use encodeUIRComponent() to encode because cannot include semicolons, commas, or whitespace
    • decode with decodeUIRComponent()
  • to set an attribute, append ; attribute=value
  • to set secure, just appened ;secure
  • change lifetime of a cookie by reseting max-age
  • to delete a cookie, set max-age=0
document.cookie = 'test=value'

// create a cookie function
let setCookie = (name, value, daysToLive) => {
    let cookie = `${name}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;
    if (daysToLive !== null) {
        cookie += `; max-age=${daysToLive * 60 * 60 * 24}`;
    document.cookie = cookie;

// delete a cookie
let deleteCookie = (name) => {
    document.cookie = `${name}=""; max-age=0`;


document.cookieGets or sets cookies associated with the current document. Returns all cookies as a single string.


expiresSets the expiration date of the cookie (UTC format). If not set, the cookie is a session cookie.
max-ageSpecifies the lifetime of the cookie in seconds.
pathDefines the URL path for which the cookie is valid. Defaults to the current page’s path.
domainSpecifies the domain the cookie belongs to. Defaults to the current domain.
secureRestricts the cookie to HTTPS connections only.
HttpOnlyPrevents client-side JavaScript from accessing the cookie. Only sent to the server.
SameSiteControls whether cookies are sent with cross-site requests (Strict, Lax, None).


A database built into the browser that is usually too much for standard apps:

  • intended for offline apps
  • often combined with ServiceWorkers and other technologies