Transferring files
Secure Copy Protocol
- Quickly transfers files in a noninteractive mannger between two systems on a network
- Uses SSH
- Best for small copies you need on the fly, bc if it gets interrupted, you cannot pick back up where you left off
- Will overwrite files on remote host if they have the same name:
scp [FILE] user@
-C # compresses the file during transfer
-p # preserves file access, modification times, and perms
-r # recursive copy
-v # verbose
# copy from remote to remote
scp user@ user2@
# copy greptest.txt from local to remote
scp greptest.txt linuxuser@
SSH File Transfer Protocol:
- Log in like ssh
- Work in remote with standard commands (ex:
), prepend movements around localhost withl
Good for transferring larger files or archives. Provides interactive experience, for example:
- create directories as needed
- immediately check on transferred files,
- determine remote systems pwd
sftp username@localhost
username@localhosts password:
Connected to localhost.
# common commands
bye # exits and quits sftp
exit # exits and quits sftp
get # gets file (downloads) from remote to local machine
reget # resumes interrupted get operation
put # sends (uploads) files from local to remote
reput # resumes interruped put operation
ls # list files in remote pwd
lls # list files in local pwd
mkdir # create dir on remote
lmkdir # create dir on local
progress # toggle progress display on/off (default is on)
# upload file to remote (localhost, here)
sftp username@localhost
username@localhosts password:
Connected to localhost.
# check remote pwd
sftp> ls
Desktop Development Documents Downloads
# check local pwd
sftp> lls
Extract Project42_Inc.txz Project43.txt Project46.txt TarStorage
FullArchive.snar Project42.txt Project44.txt Project4x.tar
not-absolute Project42.txz Project45.txt ProjectVerify.tar
# make directory on local (would normally be remote, but we use localhost)
sftp> lmkdir sftp_files
# verify the dir was made (would be 'ls' on remote)
sftp> lls
Extract Project42_Inc.txz Project43.txt Project46.txt sftp_files
# upload file
sftp> put Project4x.tar
Uploading Project4x.tar to /home/username/linux-playground/archives/sftp_files/Project4x.tar
Project4x.tar 100% 10KB 7.5MB/s 00:00
# check for file on remote
sftp> ls
# exit
sftp> bye