Securing your server

All applications that are accessible from outside your network is a risk:

  • Attack surface is the list of things that are exploitable
  • Lowering attack surface is when you lock down an application against threats
  • You have to allow some access to servers (e.g. web services), but you should completely lock down internal apps
  • uninstall unused apps
  • setup firewalls to allow only specific connections
  • use strong, randomly-generated passwords

Check ports

Check which ports are listening for network connections:

  • processes listening on accept connections from any network
  • processes listening on are not accepting connections
  • stop unwanted services or delete the package. Can always install at a later time
sudo ss -tulpn              # check what ports are listening - more info with 'sudo'    

Check packages

Get a list of all installed packages and remove unneeded ones:

  • research before you remove a package - might be a system package!
  • when you come up w a list of packages that your servers don’t need, create an ansible playbook to make sure they are not installed
dpkg --get-selections > installed_packages.txt          # creates a file containing all installed packages
apt-cache rdepends <package>                            # check whether other packages depend on <package>
                                                        # packages in output need <package> to run

Principle of least privilege (script some of these)

Do not trust users - only give them privs that they need to do their job. Document these changes so you can apply to all servers:

  • Add users to smallest num of groups
  • Network shares should default to read-only
  • audit servers for user accts that haven’t logged in for a long time
  • set acct expirations
  • limit access to system directories
  • restrict sudo to specific commands

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)

When a security flaw is revealed, it is reported on security sites and given a CVE number so researchers can document their findings:

  • CVEs are found in online catalogs - many distros maintain their own CVE catalogs
    • which distro version is vulnerable
    • which CVEs have responded to
    • updates to install to address them
  • Might have to restart server after applying updates

Installing security updates

Package updates are sometimes made daily:

  • include new features and security updates
  • For LTS releases, security updates are made frequently
  • Some admins don’t install updates regularly bc they might make major changes to the server and break something
    • create virtual clones of prod system and test updates there
    • for clusters, maybe just update one server and then go from there
    • for workstations, select some users to receieve updates and then push to other users
  • Don’t close terminal window when upgrade is in progress
  • You can run apt upgrade followed by apt dist-upgrade to upgrade new packages or kernel updates
  • Might have to restart services
  • In case of rollback, previously downloaded package versions are available in /var/cache/apt/archives
# --- standard package updates --- #
sudo apt update                     # 1. update local repo index - checks all subscribed repos for changes
sudo apt upgrade                    # 2. update packages
sudo apt dist-upgrade               #    upgrade - safest to use. does not remove packages, just updates installed packages
                                    #    dist-upgrade - updates everything it can: packages + dependencies, updated kernel
sudo apt -f install                 # 3. fix installed packages, if possible
sudo systemctl restart <service>    # 4. restart services, as needed

# --- rollback a package version --- #
sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/<package-name>

Kernel upgrades

Distros handle kernel upgrades differently:

  • Some distros can have only one kernel isntalled at a time (arch linux) and require reboots
  • Ubuntu can have multiple kernels installed simultaneously, so it runs the new version alongside your older version
    • GRUB boots with the new version
    • If there is an issue, press Esc during boot and select a known-working kernel

Canonical Livepatch

Lets you get kernel updates and apply them without rebooting:

  • Not free or included - requires a subscription at
    • Create account to receive a token that you ahve to install
    • Free on up to 3 servers
  • Complex security updates might still require a reboot
sudo snap install canonical-livepatch           # install livepatch snap
sudo canonical-livepatch enable <token>         # apply your token
sudo canonical-livepatch status                 # check status


Configuration file is in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

  • always restart daemon after you change the settings
  • connection attemps are logged in /var/log/auth.log

Security changes:

  • Change port from 22 to X
    • Helps keep logs clean - you only see port scan intrusion attempts
    • Have to specify port when ssh-ing into the machine
  • For older installations, make sure you are using Protocol 2.
    • If its not in the file, then you are using protocol 2
  • Set AllowUsers to restrict who can ssh into the server
    • This setting is not found in the config file by default
  • Set AllowGroups to restrict who can ssh into the server by group
    • Create group for ssh, like sshusers
  • AllowUsers overrides AllowGroups, but AllowGroups is easier to manage because you just add the user to the group and no need to change the config file
    • Might have to recopy ssh keys to server with ssh-copy-id -i ...
  • Set PermitRootLogin to no. This lets a root user login with ssh. The default prohibit-password means that root can use a key to ssh in, but not use password. This is bad too.
    • If a cloud provider requires you login as root, then give regular user sudo privs and log in w that user
  • Set PasswordAuthentication to no
    • Prevents brute-force attacks
    • Must set up public key access
systemctl restart ssh

# --- /etc/ssh/sshd_config --- #
Port 65332                          # change default port
AllowUsers user1 user2[ user3...]   # restrict ssh access by user
AllowGroups admin sshusers          # restrict ssh access by group (sudo groupadd sshusers)
PermitRootLogin no                  # disable passwd and key login for root user
PasswordAuthentication              # disable passwd auth, require public key auth


Watches log files for authentication failures and can block an IP address after a set number of failures:

  • starts at boot
  • config file is /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf but that is overwritten if there are updates to fail2ban. Create a /etc/fail2ban/jail.local file - the .local file superseded the default .conf file.
  • All Jails are disabled by default, except SSH. Add enable = true
    • Add enabled line to [sshd] section too, just to be sure
    • A jail is a security guard that watches a specific log file and blocks bad actors.
    • Always restart fail2ban after updating a jail
    • You must have the service installed and running to enable a jail
  • Enable these jails:
    • [apache-modsecurity] jail if you use SSL for apache
    • [apache-shellshock] to protect against ShellShock bash command
  • After you make a change, check the status

Helpful settings:

  • ignoreip: do NOT ban IPs in this list (::1 is localhost in IPv6). Set this so you do not get locked ou
apt install fail2ban                                    # install package
cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local     # copy config file

# health
systemctl restart fail2ban                              # restart fail2ban
systemctl status -l fail2ban                            # check fail2ban status
fail2ban-client status                                  # list all enabled jails

# --- /etc/fail2ban/jail.local config file --- #
ignoreip: ::1 # DO NOT block these hosts/networks
bantime                 # how long host is banned
maxretry                # number of failures before fail2ban bans an IP for bantime setting

# configuring jails
[sshd]                  # ssh is enabled
enabled = true
port    = 65332         # if you changed ssh default port, set it here

Database servers

DBs are not hard to secure:

  • Should not be reachable from the internet - only internal servers
    • Ex: DB for web server only accepts connections from web server
    • use /ect/hosts.allow and /ect/hosts.deny to manage this. /ect/hosts.allow overrides /etc/hosts.deny
    • Add IP for SSH and webserver to .allow
      • Never add ALL: ALL
      • Add all internal network IP addr
    • Deny everything in .deny file - overridden by .allow
      • Make sure you setup .allow file first!
# --- /etc/hosts.allow --- #
ALL:               # Allows this IP (e.g. ssh IP)
ALL:  # Allow any IP from 192.168.1 network
ALL 192.168.1.                  # Wildcard - any IP from this network
ssh: 192.168.1.                 # Daemons - allow ssh from any host on that network

# --- /etc/hosts.deny --- #

User access

Restrict user logins by IP:

  • % is a wildcard, so never allow connections from ...'appuser'@'%'...
  • Only allow subnet access if its not the same subnet that your users are on
# Restrict access to single IP
GRANT SELECT ON mydb.* TO 'appuser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

# Restrict access to subnet - not as good as single IP
GRANT SELECT ON mydb.* TO 'appuser'@'192.168.1.%` IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


Firewalls are easy to implement but difficult to implement well:

  • Allow or disallow access to a network port
    • When admins start a service, they open a port for it
    • Firewall allows port access from specific IPs or places
  • Ubuntu uses uncomplicated Firewall (UFW)
    • Easy interface to iptables - use ufw, not iptables
    • inactive by default
    • configure, then activate it
  • Allow access to ports that your server needs for functionality. Ex: 80 and 443 for webservers
sudo apt install ufw            # install package
sudo ufw status                 # check status - confirm its inactive
sudo ufw enable                 # activate ufw

ufw allow from to any port 22         # allow SSH from this IP
ufw allow from to any port 22        # allow SSH from entire subnet
ufw allow 80                                        # allow all traffic to port 80
ufw allow 443                                       # allow all traffic to port 443


You should encrypt any data on disk with personal or sensitive information:

  • Choose full-disk encryption when you setup your Linux installation
    • Otherwise, a person can just boot a Live OS disc and mount the hard drive to view your data
  • cryptsetup package lets us encrypt and decrypt disks
  • Encrypting a disk removes any data on it, so use a clean one
apt install cryptsetup                              # 1. install packages
fdisk -l                                            # 2. verify the disk that you want to format
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/<disk>                   # 3. format the disk
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda <disk-name>            # 4. opens the disk and names it <disk-name> so you can format it 
fdisk -l                                            # 5. verify it worked in /dev/mapper/<disk-name>
mkfs.ext4 -L "usb_drive" /dev/mapper/<disk-name>    # 6. create fs on drive, add label with -L
mkdir /media/<disk-name>                            # 7. create mount point
mount /dev/mapper/<disk-name> /media/<disk-name>    # 8. mount on local fs

# --- unmount encrypted drive --- #
umount /media/<disk-name>                           # unmount the volume
cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/<disk-name>        # close the volume

# --- remount encrypted drive --- #
fdisk -l                                            # get disk names
crytpsetup luksOpen /dev/sda <disk-name>            # open the volume
fdisk -l                                            # get disk names
mount /dev/mapper/<disk-name> /media/<disk-name>    # mount the volume

# --- change encrypted drive passphrase --- #
cryptsetup luksChangeKey /dev/sda -s 0